Sunday, June 15, 2008


As I talked with someone who is in the middle of a divorce, I was struck anew by God's grace to me. He has given me a gorgeous wife that is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. There is always such gentle encouragement and beauty and kindness to be found in our home because "mommy" is so amazing. Jen does such a great job with managing our home in humility but with such strength and beauty. It is my favorite place to be. We have now reached the average length of marriage. Weird how close our anniversary is falling in proximity to our anniversary. God has really reminded me of what He has drawn me out of from 2 dads that left and never looked back and the first 18 years of self centered church attendance. For me to speak of Jesus to anyone is such a gift and I am so thankful that for 7 years I have been able to love and grow in my ability to serve and "wash" my wife with the word. Unbelieveable.


sheltonfamily said...

whoa... what is up with all the blog posting! I love it and we are so thankful for you all! We think of you often and miss the random ballgame nights etc... especially right now when we think about how much fun you all would have watching the nba finals together. There is no one else who really "gets" it!

Stephanie said...

Love it... you do have a beautiful, talented wife who is alive with the grace of God! But she didn't do too bad herself! I love stories like yours Matt, and Travis' too. Even from a broken home, without the influence of a Dad, least of all a godly one, the Lord still chose you and filled all the broken places with His grace. You are a great testimony of that to many.