Monday, June 9, 2008

Mommy's Heart

I am so blown away with God's goodness and grace in my life and how quickly I can turn to complaining or pouting. My amazing husband continually spurs me on in my relationship with Jesus. He challenges and encourages me with the Word and I love to be with him!!!! My precious boys definitely keep me moving and on my toes, but, man, do we have fun!! Just today I had them both piled on me practicing their tackling skills. All I have to say is...Tucker may not be 3 yet, but Noah better watch out!!! Those smiling faces are such a joy and such gifts from the Lord! He does give in abundance!!! And what incredible riches I've been given through God's Word. I crave it more and more and just can't get enough!!! I've started really trying to read through entire books in one sitting and the truth just comes alive and penetrates through the filth in my heart!! What a mighty God we serve!!!


Stephanie said...

Hi Jen!!! I'm so happy to find you on here, updating us with some sweet words and two really cute pictures!!! Those little guys are more precious every time I see them! I just cannot get over Noah! He looks so old now, and Tucker reminds me so much of Noah when we left. Oh how time marches on. I'm glad to hear you are being filled and are happy...I'm going to call you this week when I get a second! Thanks for leaving me a sweet message tonight. We Love you guys and miss you so much!!!