Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Feel the Breeze!!!!

So I just had to post about the amazing day we're having in Winchester, KY today. Not a cloud in the sky and there's actually a breeze blowing!!! I just want to be outside all day, but here I am at the computer listening to my youngest make some "tucker noises" instead of sleeping. We're going to friends later today to swim. Noah has had 2 swim lessons at our Y and he blows bubbles and kind of puts his head under. Last summer he was all about the water, but he seems to have "learned too much" and is somewhat hesitant. Hopefully going today and seeing four other big boys swimming he'll get into it. Tucker is on the road to running. We've noticed over the last couple of days that he is literally making laps around our kitchen/den trying to get faster and faster. He desperately wants to keep up with his big bro...or maybe run to safety with his toys before you know who gets them!!! what a sight to see them together. they do struggle to share, but honestly they have a blast together and love each other so much. maybe they just have a unique way of expressing it!!!


Stephanie said...

Don't ya just love a great weather day??? When we were laying in bed yesterday, taking a nap, I told Travis, "Isn't this just heavenly?" The sun was streaming in our room, the windows were open, and a gentle breeze was blowing over us...oh what a difference good weather makes!! Glad you had a fun day!

amy said...

so glad to see all the posts! it's so fun to check the gurney's blog and see new posts! glad you had a great beautiful day! :)

sheltonfamily said...

we need to chat about swimming... ellie hates it and the last time i took her to lessons... she screamed the whole time... it was a funny/embarassing moment! she won't even do bubbles. I'm trying not to freak out, but I'm afraid if I wait until next summer to really get the fear out of her she will be way to afraid. Can we have your weather... it is like 95 here everyday!