Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reality really

I wonder if the detachment that I often myself living with, contributes to my misunderstandings and frustrations. I think if I was more organically connected with students and the hurts of this world, I wouldn't be so surprised by so many things. I see a major learning curve for Jen and I here. Really getting to know kids and serve them well is high on our list. But I also see that God has moved us to a place where we have no hope apart from Him moving. The truth is that that is where we live all day everyday. And not just in certain areas-in all things. But when things seem to be going alright there is a certain lack of dependence on God for grace for each moment. For my marriage. For my kids. For the students we serve. For my new pastor and the rest of the staff. There are so many needs and challenges that I think it can begin to shut me down a bit. But by the mercies of God, He has shown me that my heart is still to be His and in ever increasing fashion. I was made to enjoy God. I was made to find my greatest happiness and pleasure in Him. I wasn't made to manage my sin and hope I would turn out better. I was made to follow Jesus with all that I am because I genuinely love Him. If this experience and ministry draws my family to a more real place in our hearts where we all have greater affections for Him, that truly is the mysterious mercy of God in my reality.


sheltonfamily said...

Mercy is amazing and you all display it all the time! We miss you all and know that God is using you so much in Winchester. Hope all is well with the boys! Have a great night!

Stephanie said...

I'm sure your students love you and Jen! You can't go wrong when loving Jesus is your first priority! We miss you guys alot and wish we could hang out and play some games together again...those were the days.