We stayed in MS for a few days before heading to the beach to spend time with family. Matt's aunt and uncle have great trees in their yard. This may be Noah and Tucker's first real experience with climbing trees. They had scratches on their legs to prove it...can you say, "ALL BOY!!!"
Here are the pictures from Gulf Shores, AL. We had an amazing time and were richly blessed by family and the breath-taking scenery.
"CHEESE!!! I love this sandbox, mom." Tucker called the beach the sandbox and it actually made him more fond of going. I guess he needs to see things on his terms!!!
The dads digging with the kiddos. Glenn is quite the artist and made an elephant carving when it was all said and done. It was the place for walkers to stop and take family pictures!!! Quite impressive...
The parentals enjoying the waves. Thanks mom and dad for an amazing week at the beach! You guys are awesome!!!!
One of many amazing sunsets on the beach. We actually saw dolphins one night while watching. What a gift from our Creator to remind us of His power and grace to us!!
Matt, Noah, Jen, Taylor, and Tucker Gurney
Bailey, Glenn, Amy, Girl #3, and Jenny LaRue
brothers snuggled up after a long day on the beach
The whole gang outside of King Neptunes Seafood...my favorite meal of the week!!
The only way to get these kiddos to smile for atleast some of the pictures was to promis them a goofy picture...here it is!!!
The Dads of the group!!
Katie Martin and her precious boys came to Winchester for a few days while our husbands were on youth trips. Ed is gone for 10 days and Matt is gone to Student Life Camp for only 5, but it was a great way for us to keep busy and have fun catching up and seeing our FOUR BOYS play together. Here are some pics that somewhat capture the excitement and non-stop energy that went on over the last 4 days!!!
Micah using his muscles to push Tucker up the hill. What a life, Tucker!!
Here the gang is at the famous Winchester Mexican Restaurant. Noah looks alittle drugged from either the chips and salsa or the Spanish TV show he could not keep his eyes off of!!
Micah and Noah enjoying the "make-shift" pool. What hilarious boys!!!
I'm so glad you had a good time! I can't wait to see pictures of little Taylor when she arrives! Summer looks like it's been a blast so far!
so fun and i am so jealous of your girl time with katie! i'm sure the boys had soooo much fun and the mom's had lots of fun after bedtime! i'm so glad you had fun at the beach!
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