Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life is Full

As I sit here listening to the Glory of if All, I cannot help but savor the wonder of God's grace to me in my family. They are shaping me, encouraging me, making me laugh and cry, and showing me so much about what it means to be a child of God. Tucker is almost 5 months-in 5 days-and he went to his 4 month well-baby doctor's visit today. He is doing great. He weighs 16 lbs. 7 ozs. and is 27.5 inches long. He looks like he will be tall and skinny. We will just wait and see. It is awesome to see his personality coming out. He absolutely loves people and smiling at complete strangers. Noah still needs to get to know you first but then he loves you with all his heart. So amazing to see already how differently God has wired these two boys. Noah is done potty training although there is still an occasional accident. Jen is gearing up to start work at the twice a week preschool here at Central Baptist. This will provide a little extra income for our family but also an outlet for her and the kids. She is finishing up Beth Moore's Bible Study on Daniel that the women at our church have been doing. It has been a huge encouragement and challenge for her. We are both still trying to figure out what life is really going to look like here in Winchester. Students started school on Monday and we are just now starting to have a lot of our students come back. We are having fun having students come over and play cards and games. But we have spent some good time talking theology and laughing too, so that's cool. So that is pretty much the update on us here. My next post may be a little more reflective as God is teaching me many things that I am attempting to assimilate. We'll see.
Grace and peace


sheltonfamily said...

Welcome to blog world! The Shelton's will comment regularly along with the Armstrong's. So this means you also have to comment us! Love the updates on your family. We miss you all and we miss you so much. You are the best who has always been there for us! Keep us posted!

Glenn LaRue said...

Love your blog! You are the best! Amy and Bailey

Stephanie said...

I second what Holly said!! Welcome to our world of updates and pictures!! Holly and I always comment, but no one ever comments on our blogs! So, you should join our club! We love you guys and miss you...more pictures of your little guys please!!

The Martins said...

Yeah, it will be so cool to hear what God is doing in your lives in Winchester! We miss you so much!

amy said...

hey guys! we just found your blog! the boys are getting so big... we're expecting our first little boy in November.. Josiah Paul.. any advice? we're quite into the little girl world! ;) glad to hear you all are doing well! we're praying for you during this transition time... life in the ministry is never what it seems! but, God is faithful and just and He will provide! we miss you guys!
:) Justin, Amy, Abby & Josiah (soon to be!)