Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am seduced by the speed of it all

I was driving again the other day-tis a nasty habit that should really be expunged-when I realized that I had not noticed whether the last few lights were of a particular color designation. This is not the first time this has happened nor will it presumably be my last, but I was curious this time as to what the real cause of my misplaced attention was. Could it be that I have adult ADHD? Could I have some debilitating mental illness? Did I eat a 2nd bowl of Cocoa Krispies that morning? What I came to realize was that I am easily seduced by speed. I am drawn to fast things. Fast people. Fast service. Fast fastness. Watching fast things allows me to get lost in their generated blur. I no longer have to focus on what is plaguing me at that moment. It is a sweet seduction and one that gives life to greater resonance in me with the rest of humanity. It would seem upon my humle estimation that most of life is a drive to live within this blurred effect. There are many means all achieving a similar end. Detachment. Rather than deal with the often painful issues that surround or even fill our lives, we attach ourselves so completely to something that we detach from everything else. There is no death, genocide, homelessness, grounding, job loss or any variety of horrors. There is only the warm sunbeam and the whirr of life speeding by. I wonder how we of this generation can attain to the mental acuity to be very aware in each moment. To know that life and breath in this very moment is a gift. To know deep within us in a way that affects everything we do that this life is not the end. To know and experience beauty and grace in both things created and service rendered. Ultimated to know that we are made by and for an all glorious God who loves us so tenderly as we are and yet so passionately to change us.

Grace and peace