Thursday, December 6, 2007

What would Christmas be like without Jesus?

I asked this question to our students last night. Would we do anything very differently? I think many people would still give presents at the St. Nick's Day/Festival. I read a statement the other day that I think is very telling, especially in evangelical churches. Many people think that Jesus is important for what he did in the past. Most of these are also hopeful for that day of His return in the future. Where the disconnect comes is how we value or don't value the gospel and all that Jesus is to and for us right now. Students have made statements with their mouths and with their lives that they don't need the Scriptures, or the church as long as they have Jesus. I am very concerned for all whose way of thinking is dominated by a Jesus and me mentality. I want to enjoy worshipping our God and Savior and want to encourage and help others do that as well. What broken people we are in need of our Savior every moment. May I press on to know Him and the fellowship of His sufferings and all that He is so my joy may be full in Him. May your Christmas be filled with Christ. This is not an anti-gift giving blog. I am hoping that my family will experience Christmas a little differently as we consider the great condescension of our Holy One. Grace and peace